Sunday, 20 July 2008

Escaping for JavaScript

Recently I've started to use the most excellent Prototip2 for doing sexy tooltip stuff. It works a treat.
The only problem I have had is that some of the things I want to put into the tips have single quotes in them (e.g Bob's Team). I was surprised to find that Rails doesn't (as far as I could find) have a handy dandy way of making strings JS friendly. So I whipped up this extention to Erb::Util.
I hope some of you find it useful. It will escape single quotes and as an added bonus it also does the html escaping so you only have to make one call.

class ERB
module Util
def js_escape(str)
h(str.gsub(/[']/, '\\\\\''))

alias js js_escape
module_function :js
module_function :js_escape

I put this into an initializer.

You can then call it from your views like this:


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