Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Becoming a Git

Recently the SVN repository service we were using for FilmAmora had a lengthy outage. So, being a real Rails-er I decided to switch over to GitHub. Getting the source up into it was pretty easy.

So, I went ahead and started making changes and doing git commit's and all that good stuff. Well, today I went to the projects homepage on GitHub and you can imagine my surprise and horror when I saw that it looked like nothing had been checked in since my original commit.

Wot de hell?!

I then scoured the net for Git for dummies without success. So here it is:

1) Do all the stuff they tell you do to to get your code in.
2) Do your commits... but remember that for some strange reason you are committing into your LOCAL Git repository.
3) here's the key - do a git push! that will chuck your code up onto the server.

Seems perhaps obviously, but coming from an svn or cvs background it confused the hell out of me.
At a later date (probably this weekend) I will write a little Git note about how this works from the perspective of someone used to using one of the more traditional source code systems.

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