Thursday, 19 June 2008

IE and form spacing

One has to wonder how Microsoft got it so wrong, but anyway.

One thing I love about RoR is the ajax side of it and how easy it makes it. For instance adding something to a cart with ajax:

<% form_remote_tag :url => {:controller => :store, :action => :add_to_cart, :id => film} do %>
<%=submit_tag(_('Buy &raquo;'), "title" => _("add to cart @ %s") % number_to_currency(film.price, :unit => "€"), :class => "buy_button_big buy_button")%>
<% end %>

That is great. On FireFox it looks like this:

But on IE6 it looks like this:

Insane quatities of extra space. Seems that IE loves to add space after forms. You can't stop it!

Or can you!?

I have found that adding this in my css is the trick:

form {

But, since I don't need it in ff... why not use the very sweet CSS Browser Selector plugin.

Now you can do this:

.ie6 form {

Add all shall be well in the garden.

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