What I wanted was a simple 3 column website. But instead of 'static' information in the left and right column I wanted it to change. In some cases it was ads, in some cases a list of items, etc. The only thing I could think of was to hold a lot of layout information in the view. So, I would have the header and footer in layouts/application.html.erb but in the middle there was a big <%= :yield %> that would handle the middle (vertically) of the page, including the columns.
(Hold on, I'm getting to the code!)
The problem with this is that if your view is wrong, or if you don't include it, then your site goes all to hell.
The solution, I found, was named :yields.
To illustrate I am going to build a funky 3 column site in 5 minutes.
Create the project
$ rails threecol
To set up a new project
Neat tip: open TextMate and drag the threecol folder onto the icon in the doc. That way it will open up the whole structure (i.e. the rails project).
Add a layout
Matthew James Taylor has a great website with some free to use CSS templates. So, we're going to use his 3 column one.
Go here. View source, copy the CSS.
Create a new file in your public/stylesheets directory called site.css and paste the CSS from Matt's page in.
Include the CSS in your Layout
Create a file in your app/views/layouts directory called application.html.erb. This is the name for the default layout, so you don't need to change anything in the controller we'll create in a moment.
Go back to Matt's page, view source and paste the whole thing into application.html.erb. Delete the styles definitions from here. (lines 12 - 170 as of this writing)
Knock up a scaffold
(Best to setup the database.yml here first)
$ script/generate scaffold product name:string description:string
note: in Rails 2 you don't have the same scaffolding as before. doing the above, where you define some fields, will give you a controller, model, views and migration
Get everything setup:
$ rake db:drop db:create db:migrate test
Get your CSS on
Delete products.html.erb from the layouts directory. For our example we don't need it.
Back in your application.html.erb paste this line in the header:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'site' %>
If you start the server (script/server) now and go to localhost:3000/products you should see Matthew's page all nice and purty because we haven't included any of our content.
Get your content in
Delete the center of Matthew's code (lines 40 - 59 here) and replace it with
<%= :yield %>
Refresh now and you will see your scaffold in the middle. Nice.
Ok, we could have done all that easy, so let's get to the fun stuff.
Delete Matthew's code for either sidebar.
The center of your application.html.erb should now look like this:
<div class="col1">
<!-- Column 1 start -->
<%= yield %>
<!-- Column 1 end -->
<div class="col2">
<!-- Column 2 start -->
<!-- Column 2 end -->
<div class="col3">
<!-- Column 3 start -->
<!-- Column 3 end -->
inside column 2 (the left nav in Matthew's layout) put this:
<%= yield :left_nav_content %>
In views/products/index.html.erb do this:
<% content_for :left_nav_content do %>
<h1>Here it is!</h1>
<div>Exciting left-nav content</div>
<% end %>
What is going on?
We all know about <%= yield %>, but adding a name to it says to look in your view (or any views including, even through partial rendering) and see if there is something that wants to write out to this space. <% content_for :left_nav_content do %> says that the stuff in here, please write there.
The power is - you can do anything in there. Include partials, for instance.
The advantage is that now you can not screw up your layout. You can still put things whereever you want, but the layout is out of the view's hands.
I hope this is clear. It made a big difference to how I construct views!
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